
cat portrait in pencilAnimal Portraits

As a pet owner and someone who loves animals, I understand the unique bond that builds up between someone and their pet. Commissioning a unique portrait of your pet is a great way to celebrate such a relationship. It can also be a tribute and memorial to those we have lost. A painting or drawing of someone's pet can make a great gift; perhaps for a birthday, Christmas or anniversary.

From photographs I can produce a beautiful and unique picture of your pet. I can capture the particular character and spirit of each subject. The photographs that you supply can be either print or digital (but please no mobile phone images as the quality is not good enough). For more information on how to take the ideal photograph for production of a portrait go to Photography Tips

I am more than happy to discuss any requirements you might have for your pet or animal portrait. Please browse through some of my previous commissions in the gallery. You can choose from several sizes and from either pencil or watercolour for your portrait. Please take a look at the price list for more information on sizing and cost.


If there is anything about the process of commissioning a portrait that you are not clear about please do not hesitate to contact me at lyn@arftfulcreatures.co.uk, call me on 07522 883766 or use my contact page. For information on how to order your portrait please go to Ordering


You can download guidance notes for commissioning artwork here.

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