
Wildlife Portfolio

Please scroll down and browse a selection of past commissions in both watercolour and pencil. Double click over an image to view at a larger size. If there is a particular animal that you would like a painting or drawing of, perhaps set in the place where you first saw it, please contact me to discuss your ideas.

Barn Owl
Barn Owl
Barn Owl - Tyto alba.
One of a series of paintings, showing close-ups of several animals that share the Highlands with us. This painting is available to buy as a Limited Edition print. Please contact me for details or go to the ART SHOP.
My favourite subject - Eurasian Otter (Lutra lutra). Watercolour on paper. This painting is available to buy as a Limited Edition print. Please contact the artist for more information or go to the ART SHOP.
Short-eared Owl - Asio flammeus.
One of a series of paintings, showing close-ups of several animals that share the Highlands with us. This painting is available as a Limited Edition print. Please contact me for details or go to the ART SHOP.
Red Fox - Vulpes vulpes.
One of a series of paintings, showing close-ups of several mammals that share the Highlands with us. *This painting is available to buy unframed (£340 + p&p) and is also available as a Limited Edition print. Please contact me for details or go to the ART SHOP.
High as a Kite!
High as a Kite!
Red Kite - Milvus milvus
A recent addition to a series of paintings, showing close-ups of several creatures that share the Highlands with us. *This painting is available to buy unframed (£350 + p&p) and is also available as a Limited Edition print. Please contact me for details or go to the ART SHOP.
High as a Kite!£350.00
Running Wild
Running Wild
The Eurasian Wolf - Canis lupus lupus. Both vilified and glorified, this beautiful creature has survived despite human persecution.
Brown Hare - Lepus europaeus.
A recent addition to a series of paintings, showing close-ups of several mammals that share the Highlands with us. *The original painting is available to buy unframed (£340 + p&p) and also as a Limited Edition print. Please contact me for details or go to the ART SHOP.
Red Fox - Vulpes vulpes.
One of a series of paintings, showing close-ups of several mammals that share the Highlands with us. This painting is available as a Limited Edition print. Please contact me for details or go to the ART SHOP.
Pure Highland Gold
Pure Highland Gold
Golden Eagle - Aquila chrysaetos
A recent painting depicting this beautiful bird. One of a series, showing close-ups of several creatures that share the Highlands with us. *This painting is available to buy unframed (£350 + p&p) and is also available as a Limited Edition print. Please contact me for details or go to the ART SHOP.
Pure Highland Gold£350.00
The Chase
The Chase
Brown Hares (Lepus europaeus) are well-known for their courtship rituals in spring, often being referred to as 'mad March hares'. They often chase around after each other in large groups. This recent watercolour painting is available as a Limited Edition print. Please contact me for details or go to the ART SHOP.
Another Eurasian Otter! Watercolour on paper. This painting is available as a Limited Edition print. Please contact the artist for more information or go to the ART SHOP.
My favourite subject - Eurasian Otter (Lutra lutra). Watercolour on paper. This painting is available as a Limited Edition print. Please contact the artist for more information or go to the ART SHOP.
March Madness
March Madness
Brown Hares (Lepus europaeus) are well-known for their courtship rituals in spring, often being referred to as 'mad March hares'. These 'boxing' matches usually involve unreceptive females chasing off a male. This watercolour painting is available as a Limited Edition print. Please contact me for details or go to the ART SHOP.
Eurasian lynx
Eurasian lynx
The Eurasian lynx - Lynx lynx.
This beautiful cat is considered vulnerable in central Europe. It became extinct in the UK in around the year 700 due to human persecution. Research is ongoing into the viability of reintroducing the lynx to the UK. This pencil/watercolour is available as a Limited Edition print. Please contact me for details or go to the ART SHOP.
Ravishing Red
Ravishing Red
Red Squirrel - Sciurus vulgaris.
One of a series of paintings, showing close-ups of several mammals that share the Highlands with us. This painting is available to buy as a Limited Edition print. Please contact me for details or go to the ART SHOP.
The Eurasian Wolf - Canis lupus lupus. Both vilified and glorified, this beautiful creature has survived despite human persecution. *This recent original watercolour painting is available to buy unframed (£340 + p&p) and is also available as a Limited Edition print. Please contact me for details or go to the ART SHOP.
Red Deer Resplendent
Red Deer Resplendent
Red Deer - Cervus elaphus.
One of a series of paintings showing close-ups of several mammals that share the Highlands with us. This painting available as a Limited Edition print. Please contact me for details or go to the ART SHOP.
Mountain Hare Moment
Mountain Hare Moment
Mountain Hare - Lepus timidus.
One of a series of paintings, showing close-ups of several mammals that share the Highlands with us. This painting is available to buy as a Limited Edition print. Please contact me for details or go to the ART SHOP.
Gannet Greeting
Gannet Greeting
Northern Gannet - Morus bassanus.
*This painting is available to buy (£300) and is also available as a limited edition print. Please contact me for details or go to the ART SHOP to buy prints.
Gannet Greeting£300.00
Otter Eyes
Otter Eyes
Eurasian Otter - Lutra lutra.
One of a series of paintings, showing close-ups of several mammals that share the Highlands with us. Limited Edition print is SOLD OUT.
Pine Marten Pizzazz
Pine Marten Pizzazz
Pine Marten - Martes martes.
I love Pine Martens!.....This image is available as a Limited Edition Print. Please go to the ART SHOP for more details.
Badger Boldness
Badger Boldness
Eurasian badger - Meles meles.
One of a series of paintings, showing close-ups of several mammals that share the Highlands with us. This painting is available to buy as a Limited Edition print. Please contact me for details or go to the ART SHOP
Grey Seal Gaze
Grey Seal Gaze
Grey Seal - Halichoerus grypus.
A recent painting depicting this beautiful mammal. One of a series, showing close-ups of several mammals that share the Highlands with us. This painting is available to buy as a Limited Edition print. Please contact me for details or go to the ART SHOP.
Fox Fascination
Fox Fascination
Red Fox - Vulpes vulpes.
One of a series of paintings, showing close-ups of several mammals that share the Highlands with us. This painting is available to buy as a Limited Edition print. Please contact me for details or go to the ART SHOP.
Brown Hare Beauty
Brown Hare Beauty
Brown Hare - Lepus europaeus.
A recent addition to a series of paintings, showing close-ups of several mammals that share the Highlands with us. This painting is available to buy as a Limited Edition print. Please contact me for details or go to the ART SHOP.
Stoat Stare
Stoat Stare
Stoat - Mustela erminea.
One of a series of paintings depicting close-ups of some of the fascinating mammals that inhabit the Highlands. This painting is available to buy as a Limited Edition print. Please contact me for details or go to the ART SHOP.
Wildcat Watchfulness
Wildcat Watchfulness
Scottish wildcat - Felis silvestris silvestris.
One of a series of paintings, showing close-ups of several mammals that share the Highlands with us. This painting is available to buy as a Limited Edition print. Please contact me for details or go to the ART SHOP.
Roe Deer Reflection
Roe Deer Reflection
Roe Deer - Capreolus capreolus.
A recent painting depicting this beautiful mammal. One of a series, showing close-ups of several mammals that share the Highlands with us. *This painting is available to buy unframed (£320 + p&p) and also as a Limited Edition print. Please contact me for details or go to the ART SHOP.
Roe Deer Reflection£320.00
Osprey Observation
Osprey Observation
Osprey - Pandion haliaetus.
A recent addition to a series of paintings, showing close-ups of several creatures that share the Highlands with us. This painting is available to buy as a Limited Edition print. Please contact me for details or go to the ART SHOP.
Pine Marten Pause
Pine Marten Pause
Pine Marten - Martes martes.
One of a series of paintings, showing close-ups of several mammals that share the Highlands with us. This painting is available to buy as a Limited Edition print. Please contact me for details or go to the ART SHOP.
Bass Rock Boogie
Bass Rock Boogie
Northern Gannet - Morus bassanus.
A commission for Mijbil's dentist...for his waiting room in North Berwick.
Black-throated Divers
Black-throated Divers
A commissioned painting of these beautiful birds on Loch Ailsh, Assynt, Sutherland, where they have bred successfully for several years.
Red-flanked Bluetail
Red-flanked Bluetail
A commission for a friend of mine, who caught and ringed this rarity in Aberdeenshire.
Canary-shouldered Thorn
Canary-shouldered Thorn
A commission for a moth crazy man!
Otter Cub - Lutra lutra
Otter Cub - Lutra lutra
Otters are one of my favourite animals and I have been studying them around the Dornoch Firth for several years. Always a thrill to see one! This painting is available to buy as a Limited Edition print. Please contact me for details or go to the Art Shop page.
Cuban Trogon
Cuban Trogon
A painting which appeared on the front of the Neotropical Bird Club journal 'Cotinga'. A beautiful bird that I was lucky enough to see while studying in Cuba
Clashmore Pine Marten
Clashmore Pine Marten
A drawing I did for my father-in-law for his 70th birthday. We saw this beautiful animal running along a dyke near our cottage in Clashmore, Dornoch, one summer evening.
One of a series of drawings I did after returning from my first trip to Tanzania, several years ago. The original drawing is available to buy. Please contact me for details.
Sleeping Lemur
Sleeping Lemur
Ring-tailed Lemur - Lemur catta.
I love lemurs! I drew this one whilst working at Penscynor Wildlife Park
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